segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011



In East Timor and throughout the world Timorese are just a few hours of celebration of independence. Spent nine years. It is clear that we are increasingly exercising our independence and assert ourselves as a nation with a will.

In these nine years did not happen all that would be ideal for the stricken people. We saw some very hungry people and literally steal what belongs to him. There is no doubt that the responsibility is Xanana Gusmao and Ramos Horta, as before has been of Mari Alkatiri as prime minister was. Those taking the heads of governments know well that happens to appear opportunistic move and act in order to take advantage of their positions in government to enrich themselves illegally. Worse still when the prime ministers are not completely honest and collude in circumstances of corruption as seen to be happening with this administration of AMP.

But not everything is negative of what is happening in East Timor. Apart from hunger and poverty, development to be done and which should already be in a higher reality rides, serious illegalities committed by Xanana Gusmao, its allies and Ramos Horta, some live a little better than expected despite many sipped their advantage . But the interior is abandoned. The works to be done. Dili bursting with arrivals to the "El Dorado" of capital due to wrong policies of abandonment of the interior. And finally, to come and go hungry and all sorts of difficulties in the capital. To commit fornication, to commit petty thefts to the unwary and thus survive. To increase the crime rate due to their shortcomings.

But we are independent. Although inconsistent, it even had to understand the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard to give up building a prison camp for refugees in East Timor. It will even have to understand Woodside, about the undersea pipeline that should result in East Timor and not in Australia, nor quedar a maritime platform. Some policies brought forward by this government AMP should be considered patriotic and positive. Not everything is a blur.

Were it not for the incompetence of some government. Were it not for the massive corruption, collusion, the blatant theft, the impunity of the elite, the lack of independence in the justice sector, the democratic deficit, hunger, unemployment, abandonment of settlements and population in the country, were not as evident by doing public works correctly, as evident are committed theft and collusion with contractors and some other friends of the AMP system, and the East Timorese people would live better.

But we are independent. We celebrate nine years of this. In 2012 it is time the UN out of the pot of honey that East Timor is for the many parasites that has brought us. Save here are not parasites, friends of our people - a tribute in memory of independence contributor Sergio Vieira de Mello. Also for next year is the time of the Australian military occupiers leave the country. Australia should train that can not repeat what I have tried so far: Make your colony of East Timor. Nor should again lead to coups as the 2006 to be imposed against the will of the Timorese and independence. Australia and the U.S. to put themselves in his place of friends, and let us seek and follow the best course for democracy and welfare Timor. We need friends, do not need to be re-colonized.

Next year there will be elections. No one admires the winner. Xanana Gusmao is well aware that once again be prime minister and consolidate its goal: to substantially boost the vote in the CNRT. Anything worth FRETILIN also strengthen the electoral outcome in more than 7 or 8 percentage points and remain the most voted party ... but not government. A new alliance with Xanana Gusmao of CNRT is already being considered and eventually go to all the same. The continuity is guaranteed to Xanana Gusmao. No party shall have the advantage of being mostly voted. Necessarily have to be party alliances. But whoever wins wins there will always be more or less hunger in the country, more or less misery. The Church itself and Timorese NGOs also need to assert and establish themselves on the ground. After all survive and evolve at the expense of the misery produced by bad government policies. Unjust and corrupt governments. As the government of Xanana Gusmao from now and the future. And the future is already in 2012.

Nine years of independence has not declared it to take effect in full reality. But we are getting closer and it depends on us, the wisdom of choosing leaders. Who knew we came in here with high probability of the move much more? Thank you, my brothers Timorese. Now it's time to fight for more independence, for justice, freedom, more democracy and progress. It's time for peace and not hatred. It is time that demands honesty. Let us move forward with our eyes on the democratic values that we fought so much and we must continue to fight every day. Only then will the real congratulations and pay homage to our martyrs and heroes perished in a titanic struggle that has not won completely on our own because there are enemies within. The independence to victory every day.


***Also published in DEBATES CULTURAIS, Brasil

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