segunda-feira, 15 de agosto de 2011



ANGRY mobs of martial arts gang members set fire to dozens of homes as they rampaged through an East Timorese town after one of their number was killed in a stabbing, police said.

More than 100 houses as well as vehicles caught fire in the unrest in Zumalai, on East Timor's southern coast on Monday, a police officer told AFP on condition of anonymity.

He said the violence was "triggered" by the stabbing of a gang member, who was also a police intelligence agent, in the town yesterday.

"Three people are now in police custody. The security condition there is now under control," the police source said.

A military source who also refused to be identified confirmed the circumstances of the unrest.

Martial arts gangs are common in East Timor, a tiny half-island state which achieved independence from Indonesia in 2002 following a bloody referendum.

United Nations police returned full control of East Timor to the national force in March, more than four years after clashes between rival factions of the security forces threatened to push the country into civil war.

The UN will maintain a presence of up to 1,280 police to support local police until after a presidential election in 2012, when the UN peacekeeping mission plans to withdraw from the southeast Asian state.

5 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Timor Leste nunka bele sai diak se kontinua nafatin ho gangs artes marsiais nian. Sira ne mesa bandidus deit maski balu membrus PNTL nian rasik mak hanessan xefi grupu gang nian. Ne problema ba PNTL no mos ba povo tomak bainhira iha konflitus entre grupus gangs. Hosi hau nia hare tribunal Justisa forsa laiha atu julga ema sira ne no mos komarka bekora fatin ida nebe la dun diak ba kastigu hau nian hare so F-FDTL mak diak ba ema nebe arter marsiais nian. Hatama sira ba iha kartel e FFDTL mak kastigu sira. Ne sira koko mak hare... ne dala ida ka dala rua sira tauk ona sei la halo tan.

Anónimo disse...

Sei mak agora responsavel ba uma sira nebe sira sunu hotu ne? Tribunal tenki makaas ho sira nebe halao krimi hanesan ne.

Ema nain tolu deit mak polisia kaer entao sira seluk ne oin sa? Se mak oho membro PNTL ne nian? tribunal tenki makaas tebes tamba povo kole ona ho jovens sira nian hahalok

Anónimo disse...

Sei mak agora responsavel ba uma sira nebe sira sunu hotu ne? Tribunal tenki makaas ho sira nebe halao krimi hanesan ne.

Ema nain tolu deit mak polisia kaer entao sira seluk ne oin sa? Se mak oho membro PNTL ne nian? tribunal tenki makaas tebes tamba povo kole ona ho jovens sira nian hahalok

Anónimo disse...

Sei mak agora responsavel ba uma sira nebe sira sunu hotu ne? Tribunal tenki makaas ho sira nebe halao krimi hanesan ne.

Ema nain tolu deit mak polisia kaer entao sira seluk ne oin sa? Se mak oho membro PNTL ne nian? tribunal tenki makaas tebes tamba povo kole ona ho jovens sira nian hahalok

Anónimo disse...


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